Chemical peels are compounds that are created to help provide a more youthful rejuvenated appearance of your skin.  Sun exposure, aging, acne, and the environment we live in often damage the upper layers of the skin.  Sometimes they cause spots, skin irregularities, scars, and altered pigmentation.  Peels exfoliate these outer layers to remove this damage.  Mild wrinkles can be treated using this technique as well, but do not help with deep wrinkles.  Patients present desiring resurfacing and improvement in the quality of their skin.  Although mainly used for the face, peels can also be used for the neck or other parts of the body.

The Chemical Peels Procedure

There are many different types of chemical peels, categorized by the depth of penetration into the skin. They are divided into light, medium, and deep peels. The type of chemical peel best suited for you depends on the desired treatment area. Basically for scars, mild wrinkles, or skin irregularities it would require a deeper peel. Spots and altered pigmentation could be treated with a medium peel. Uneven skin tone or small scaly patches may be treated with a light peel. It is important to note that the deeper the peel, the more down time is required as more layers of the skin are being treated. During your consultation, Dr. Tsai will present you with all the possible options in detail and work with you to individualize treatment according to your specific goals and expectations to provide you with the best possible result.

Treatment typically lasts for several months until the new outer layers of skin become damaged again by environmental factors, at which time treatment can be repeated as often as desired. Patients often state a rejuvenated and youthful appearance with an improvement in self-image.

Your Chemical Peels procedure will be performed in Roger Tsai, MD's medical practice located in West Hollywood.

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Meet the Doctor

Dr. Roger Tsai

Dr. Roger Tsai is a board certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, providing care to patients from all over the world. His interests include aesthetic cosmetic surgery that encompasses the entire body as a whole, specializing in all aspects of plastic and reconstructive surgery. He also performs non-invasive rejuvenation and has a special interest in health and nutrition.

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