Breast lift is a great procedure to treat “sagging” or ptotic breasts. The cause of this phenomenon is due to the fact that there is more skin than breast tissue, which can occur from natural aging, lactation from pregnancy, or weight loss. This procedure restores the breast and nipple to a more youthful anatomical position on the chest. The degree of restoration and length of rejuvenation depends on the quality of the skin and breast tissue before surgery. Patients often comment on the returned fullness of the breasts and a nice youthful restoration, frequently improving self-image.

Depending on the amount of lift that needs to be performed, the surgical procedure usually takes about 1-2 hours to complete and is performed under general anesthesia (fully asleep) in the adjacent surgicenter. The scar pattern can vary, according to the amount of lift being performed. A small lift could be achieved with a simple incision around the areola (peri-areolar) that is well hidden; a moderate lift may require a vertical extension; a larger lift may necessitate an additional horizontal extension at the breast fold. These scars are minimal and well hidden.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Ideal candidates for breast lift surgery want to correct sagging breasts and restore perkiness. Patients looking to correct shape asymmetries are also excellent candidates.

It is vital that the patient be in good overall health, since poor health can increase the chance of complications. Non-smokers are preferred. Smokers will need to quit several weeks before the date of the breast lift procedure.

Breast Lift Consultation

During your mastopexy consultation with Dr. Tsai, you will go over your cosmetic goals in great detail. Dr. Tsai will perform a physical examination, and photographs may be taken to aid in creating a customized surgical plan.

Dr. Tsai will also look over your complete medical history. He may ask questions regarding current medications and supplements, pre-existing health conditions, allergies, and past procedures.

With your goals and ideal size/shape in mind, Dr. Tsai will explain all available options to you in detail during your consultation and together, determine an individualized treatment plan that best fits your need to provide you with the best possible result. If additional volume is desired, the breast lift can be combined with an augmentation at the same time, please see Breast lift with Augmentation.


Patients return home the same day as the procedure so transportation will need to be arranged. Your first checkup will be the following day in clinic. Bandages are removed several days after the procedure and patients usually return to normal daily activities within one week. Pain is tolerated with prescribed oral pain medication. Exercise is resumed approximately 4-6 weeks after the procedure.

Breast Lift Cost

The price of a breast lift procedure may be impacted by many factors. Total mastopexy cost can be determined based on the techniques utilized, total surgical time, anesthesia fees, and more.

Find Out More

To arrange your consultation regarding a breast lift in Beverly Hills, contact our office today. Dr. Tsai will be available to meet with you and answer any questions you may have.

Your Breast Lift (Mastopexy) procedure will be performed in Roger Tsai, MD's medical practice located in West Hollywood.

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Meet the Doctor

Dr. Roger Tsai

Dr. Roger Tsai is a board certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, providing care to patients from all over the world. His interests include aesthetic cosmetic surgery that encompasses the entire body as a whole, specializing in all aspects of plastic and reconstructive surgery. He also performs non-invasive rejuvenation and has a special interest in health and nutrition.

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